感谢您对安娜堡康考迪亚大学音乐系的兴趣! We offer music scholarships for any interested incoming students. We encourage all students, regardless of academic major, to consider applying for a Music Scholarship.

CUAA Music Scholarship Auditions 2024

所有学生都可以获得音乐奖学金,无论专业如何. 器乐或声乐试镜将被用于考虑来自CUAA的各种音乐奖学金. 所有获奖者都必须参加一个音乐合奏团,并在入学期间接受有关获奖表演媒介的私人课程. 如果你对申请音乐奖学金不感兴趣,但想参加我们的一个乐团, you may audition in the fall.

获得音乐奖学金的学生同意每学期参加应用音乐课, 并根据他们的试镜参加指定的音乐合奏团.


有兴趣参加敬拜艺术的学生在CUAA期间可能有资格获得额外的奖学金资助. Please indicate this interest on your scholarship application./p>

除了, 对游行乐队/ Pep乐队感兴趣的学生可以申请运动乐队奖学金.

Official awards

在获奖者签署音乐系奖项合同并在奖项截止日期前由音乐办公室收到之前,CUAA音乐奖学金奖项才正式生效. Until receipt of your contract, 正规赌博十大网站经济资助信上列出的任何音乐奖学金都可能会有变化. 所有音乐奖学金都要接受音乐系的年度审查.

Audition registration

Formal music auditions will be held on campus on the following dates:

  • Saturday, November 11th 2023
  • Saturday, January 20th 2024
  • Saturday, February 10th 2024

在这些日期无法参加的学生也可以要求视频试镜, 或者通过招生部门安排奖学金试镜,同时进行正式的校园参观, prior to March 1. 安排的试镜视音乐系教师的情况而定.

正规赌博十大网站的学生必须在他们预期的试镜日期前至少两周完成奖学金试镜的在线注册. Thus, the deadlines for registration are:

  • 11月11日海选-报名截止日期为2023年11月3日(星期五)
  • 1月20日海选-报名截止日期为2024年1月12日星期五
  • 2月10日海选-报名截止日期为2024年1月26日星期五

Click here to register for a scholarship audition!

Interested in music as a career? Check out our:

Frequently asked questions

Questions about the Audition Process? Please click below for answers!

Who can apply for a music scholarship?

Music scholarships can be awarded to all incoming full-time students. Returning students are not eligible for new music scholarships.

Am I talented enough to receive a music scholarship?

CUAA的试镜过程旨在欢迎具有各种音乐背景的学生. Our aim is to be an inclusive musical community, 为各种能力水平的学生提供各种音乐机会.

无论你在音乐之旅的哪个阶段,在CUAA总会有正规赌博十大网站一席之地. Because of this, we encourage 每一个人 with an interest to apply!

Do I need to major or minor in music for a scholarship?

No. As a liberal arts university, 康考迪亚重视所有学生在我们的音乐合奏的参与. 这包括对主修或辅修音乐感兴趣的学生, 以及希望在大学期间继续参与音乐学习的任何专业的学生.

What music should I prepare for my audition?


  • 演唱两首不同时期的风格对比曲(最多8分钟).)
  • Repertoire should be selected from the classical tradition (i.e., no repertoire from a popular idiom or hymns from a hymnal); one of the two selections may be from musical theatre, 如果需要
  • Both pieces must be memorized
  • We will provide an accompanist for you; if preferred, you may bring your own
  • Pre-recorded accompaniment tracks will not be permitted


  • 演奏两个大音阶:降B,降E, F, C, G, D音乐会(适当时两个八度)
  • Play two pieces of contrasting styles. (8 minute max.)
  • 曲目应从标准独奏或练习曲曲目中选择. Ideas for repertoire may come from the MSBOA or other state Solo & Ensemble lists
  • 请携带额外的音乐(和伴奏,如果适用)到正规赌博十大网站试镜

钢琴 & 器官:

  • 演奏两首不同时期风格对比的乐曲(最多8分钟).)
  • Repertoire should be selected from the classical tradition (i.e., no repertoire from a popular idiom)
  • 钢琴:
    • Memorization of music is preferred
    • Be able to play major & minor scales up to four sharps & 四个公寓
    • Sight-reading will be evaluated
  • 器官:
    • Additionally, choose a hymn to play
    • Sight-reading and scales are not evaluated

Additional requirements:

  • 学生 must audition on one of the two scheduled dates, or on the scheduled make-up date in case of emergency. No auditions will be accepted following the published audition window.
  • 学生 must provide a letter of recommendation at the time of the audition speaking towards their musical abilities.
  • Unless marked unaccompanied, students must bring in 钢琴部分 and perform their selections with accompanists. 音乐系将为所有参加试音的学生提供伴奏. Pre-recorded accompaniment tracks will not be permitted.

录影/网际网路试镜可按个别情况接受,但须在最终试镜日期前收到. 希望通过视频试镜的学生必须在提交视频试镜之前获得音乐系的批准.

What are the stipulations of the scholarships?

For all music scholarships, as basis for continuing to receive the scholarship, the student agrees to:

  • private lessons 每学期在康考迪亚参加乐器/声音部分的试镜.
  • 注册一个 系综 关于他们为奖学金试镜的乐器/声音部分(如适用).
  • Perform in an annual recital.
  • Maintain a cumulative 2.在所有的音乐必修课程中保持“B-”或更高的成绩.
What instruments can audition for scholarships?
  • Bass 单簧管
  • 巴松管
  • 大提琴
  • 单簧管
  • Guitar (acoustic, electric, or bass)
  • Drums or Percussion
  • 次中音号
  • 长笛
  • 法国号
  • 双簧管
  • 器官
  • 钢琴
  • 萨克斯风
  • 低音提琴
  • 长号
  • 小号
  • 大号
  • 中提琴
  • 小提琴
  • 的声音
What is the Athletic Bands scholarship and how can I audition?

运动乐队奖学金提供给希望参加康考迪亚游行的学生 & Pep乐队. 获得此奖学金的学生必须承诺参加国内足球比赛的游行乐队和Pep乐队, 篮球, and hockey games. This includes the pre-season Band Camp each August. 除了音乐系奖学金之外,学生还可以获得这项奖学金.

试镜, 你需要在音乐系试镜的时候演奏学校的战歌. 仪仗队成员将需要表演一段你们自己选择的简短的表演. Music is available to download here.

What are the requirements for a Worship Arts audition?


学生应准备上述标准音乐人才奖学金的要求, either vocal or instrumental.

除了, 学生应准备一首他们选择的歌曲,以展示他们在敬拜艺术方面的音乐才能.

I have more questions. Can I email someone?


For questions about Choir, Arborsong, or Church Music please contact Dr. John Boonenberg

For questions about Band, Orchestra, or Marching Band, please contact Dr. William Perrine.